Expertise is built into our brand identity

How do you create a new brand that stands out within a saturated marketplace? How do you name a packaging development support services company in a way that isn’t descriptive or prosaic? How do you embody a new approach to packaging development solutions that cuts through the clutter of enterprise level offers? 

And, how do you present a state-of-the-art packaging business in a new brand that doesn’t raise more questions than it answers? The answer isn’t straightforward (nothing is these days) but this one is full of depth and brilliance that’s simply presented. 

Enter 10K60, a business with a standout name and brand identity for a standout packaging development solutions service that does things differently.

Expert through and through

All good things deliver more than meets the eye. When you know what to look for – and to sharpen up a cliché – the best package is the one that keeps on giving. With expert insight into packaging development solutions, our brand not only bucks convention but delivers expert knowledge from the inside out. Expertise is all in our name, quite literally.

If you haven’t yet noticed the culture reference. If you haven’t yet cracked the code. If you haven’t yet read Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers, here’s an introduction to the idea that’s embedded within our name. Gladwell argues that talent is only the shimmering outer layer of uncommon experience. Experience within an emerging field that breaks new ground because its proponents are the first to acquire 10,000 hours of practice.

Most famously, Bill Gates and The Beatles got to this critical milestone of 10,000 hours long before anyone else got the chance. This enabled them to blaze a trail of brilliance in their respective fields. If this insight hasn’t yet fired the necessary neurons to understand the meaning behind our name, 10K is short for 10,000 and 60 represents 60 minutes of an hour, hence the 10,000 hours. Combined with Gladwell’s insight we get to expertise, and the ease that accompanies expert knowledge.

The brand cues don’t end here. Built into our brand identity is another conceptual treasure that’s pertinent to packaging development prowess.

Select knowledge

In a hyperconnected world that’s so full of choice, knowing how to make the necessary selections is crucial to project success. Packaging knowhow is not only about selecting the best materials and manufacturing processes, it’s about understanding the myriad client choices within a marketplace, and it’s also about selecting broader project constraints. These include, but aren’t limited to, choice of manufacturing partner; technical, aesthetic and related production line performance factors; direct and indirect supplier and material ethics and sustainability factors as well as regulatory and legal compliance factors.

In short, knowing how to make the right choices within a complex discipline is the hallmark of an expert. With this in mind, our brand identity has been designed to convey knowledge and selection within packaging. Anyone familiar with making visual selections on a computer will also recognise that a rectangular outline is formed by the cursor. This ‘selecting cursor’ idea in our brand identity points to and ‘selects’ the K of the 10K60 brandmark. In the context of our brand experience, the K represents knowledge.

The future of packaging development

Whether we’re helping a boutique batch production startup or FMCG multinational, technical packaging development is the foundation of our business. Whether we’re offering strategic consulting, implementing or overseeing a packaging project, our clients can rest assured that they’ve selected a best-in-class partner.

What’s more, we’re open for business – in every sense. We’re transparent in our pricing and straightforward in our language and approach. Eschewing jargon wherever possible, we’re making packaging solutions accessible to everyone. Responsive and agile, we get to the best solutions quickly. We’re always ready to inform the casual and curious, educate the inexpert and discuss, without obligation, the ins and outs of very ambitious projects. 

We’re confident in our expertise and as ambitious as the most ambitious of our clients. Creative and brave, our unexpected brand identity communicates our big and bold vision to the world. So, we invite you to have that chat and to click that link. 

Join us on an exciting new journey into packaging.