Clean packaging: next generation branding

The world is changing. As young Millennials and older members of Gen Z start entering the world of business and raising their voices, something is consistently made clear - we need to change. Our impact on the planet is being brought under the spotlight, but how can brand owners and those of us in the packaging industry help?

The answer is simple, and comes in the form of clean packaging.

What is clean packaging? 

Clean packaging is a term that is vastly misunderstood. Most people think of this as a ‘clean design' - smooth, crisp, and to the point. In reality, it’s more about transparency. What the packaging represents, where it was sourced from, and the ethics of the brand. 

Most companies are aware of clean labelling - clear listing of ingredients used and what the product contains. This now needs to be applied to their packaging. Has it been sustainably sourced, is it recyclable? These are key questions that need to be answered for the sake of the consumer and their conscience. 

Growing in popularity

Gen Z and younger Millennials have grown up in a totally connected world - it’s quite incredible. They have been able to communicate with each other across oceans and share a wealth of information regarding the state of the planet and our environmental impact. 

These consumers have access to the latest eco-friendly product launches online and are willing to pay more for authentic branded goods. They actively seek out information about a product’s sustainability credentials and prefer brands which help them consume smarter, utilise less packaging, produce less waste and are seen to care about the impact their products have on the planet. 

Clean packaging is popular because these generations have taken the time to learn about what we are doing wrong so that they can actively take steps to change it. Clean packaging is ethical and minimises their environmental impact.

What does this mean for you?

As a manufacturer, it can be concerning. In the media, plastics are being pushed out and sustainable materials in. So, what steps should you be taking? Think of your packaging as an extension of the ingredients in your product. After all, you wouldn’t stick a clean label on unclean packaging? 

Today’s consumers have strong views on what a brand’s all about and what it stands for. Choice of packaging materials and their ability to be recycled are often key to a successful launch. Forward thinking brands are also taking their packaging strategy one step further by creating formats that can be used multiple times.

To conclude 

The world is connected through the internet, and that’s something that will not change any time soon. With connection, people talk and share ideas more, which leads to movements that force us to take new and more positive directions. Packaging is certainly a hot topic, and with the younger generation a consistently growing market, it would be foolish not to listen to their thoughts, ideas, and plans to reduce the environmental impact of your packaging.

One thing’s for sure, if you want to appeal to Millennials and Gen Z and create loyal, long-term customers for your brand, be ready to create the kind of packaging that actively speaks to the values of those generations.

Today’s consumers value action, not talk.